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About Us


My name is Erin and I'm a professional tour guide who has been leading tours around the US, UK, and Ireland since 2012. Like many people I arrived at my career via a winding path. After graduating from my master's program, where I studied art history, I questioned where to go next. After years of working in shops I knew I genuinely liked working with people, and a study abroad program I completed infected me with a very serious travel bug. I had thought about teaching, but realized that I enjoy being outdoors too much to be inside all day long and after doing some research, I think I've found my perfect career that allows me to do the things I enjoy most on a daily basis. 

I look forward to welcoming you on a walk!

Certified International Tour Manager, International Guide Academy 2012


Master of Arts, Brooklyn College 2012


Bachelor of Science, Emerson College 2004

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